version 2009-05-18
Similar project loading checks now
Project properties can be invoked by Ctrl+I or by 'Project' menu
Progress window for long time operations has beed added
Now is possible to use duplication with all types of files
Project DB shows now additional fields(Old projects info gets updated in first use):
- checksum number used
- modified files count
- autodetected maps count
- user map used
Project and modified DB's windows can be resized
Project and modified DB's filter now gets remembered
Remember last used folders for original,modified,map files
Saving warning messages about problems with checksum calculation
Other Motorola format supports now
Opening 2nd copy of software do not show 'Monopoly access' warning message
Map list scrolling was partly shown
Exporting files from DB gets saving not to selected path
Maps was not correctly saving for future automatical load
Wrong modification with not correct detected ECU
Crashing sometimes with opening highlighted maps from 2D
Sorting maps works as before